The Diabetic Bat
My journey through Type 2 Diabetes. Come along for the ride.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Doctor, Doctor, Doctor HOOOOOOOOOOO!
Apparently he wanted to discuss my blood test.
He was not happy. My LDL went up, my total cholesterol went up, my A1c went up from the last time I saw him, and he seems generally unhappy that I'm not in the range to where the 'purists' think I should be.
My Diabetic Pharmacist however, she's pleased as punch. Since I started seeing her my A1c dropped by 1 point and my blood glucose levels became in line with a tighter control with an average below 130 mg/dL.
Doc is only seeing what's on the blood test.
I walked away with two more meds in my arsenal. Can't wait for my wife to get onto the same schedule as I am so I can exercise with her. I know that I am not reliant upon her to begin a regimen, but it sure makes it easier when you have a partner.
I get to see Doctor Ho (yes, really) in 3 months. I want to make him eat crow for his bad attitude.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Talking Soup
I make good soup.
If you didn’t know that about me, that’s my own fault and I’d like to rectify that.
Hello, I’m Gary, and I make good soup!
So, what does that have to do with the blog you’re currently reading? Well the issue is of focus, time management and output. It’s also about less specialization. I don’t need to manage three different blogs to be who I am.
Okay, so maybe the issue is that I’m tired of trying to maintain three different web presences with limited to no success. I don’t need three different faces to let everyone know that I’m as rich and hearty as my soup.
I’m jam-packed full of flavor!
There are times when my presence is light and mellow, offering a pleasant and happy distraction. There are also times when I’m heavy and overpowering, dragging you along for the ride. I’m also everywhere else on any given day. My flavor may change depending on the ingredients I have – as it should.
There’s a great deal of information and guidance about how to develop platforms and presence out on the web. Some of it contradicts one another. After analyzing all of the data that I’ve come across, the only solution that I can come up with is a rather clichéd adage put out by Sammy Davis Jr.
Which was also updated for the younger generation by 23 Skidoo.
As of today, I’m putting a plan in place to accomplish me being me.
Hi, I’m Gary: Writer, blogger, rpg gamer, console gamer, diabetic, step-father, husband, friend, confidant, proof-reader, smiler, frowner, eater, cook, baker, candy-taker, dancer, prancer, romancer, rhymer (no, wait, that’s someone else), foodie, ex-smoker, science-fiction/fantasy nut, storyteller, bread winner, digger, amateur philosopher, reader, psychologist, Landgrave of Charcuterie, Garde Manger and whole host of other things.
I make good soup.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
New Link
I've been letting the Diabetes get to me. I'm finding myself going through fits of depression and mania regarding my condition.
My wife has been my anchor. I don't tell her often enough.
At any rate, I've found a new resource for me and I thought I'd share.
It's the National Diabetes Education Program sponsored by the CDC and the NIDDK.
I'm pretty excited about exploring the site.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Slammin Sub
So, there I was at Jimmy John's wondering about their bread and how problematic it would be for me. I just wanted a sandwich that wasn't from Subway, Quizno's or Eeggee's. For you unenlightened (and possibly protesting) individuals, Eeggee's is a local (very local) sandwich shop. They are a 'Tucson Original!' and are proud to boast that fact. I could take it or leave it.
I looked to the right and there was the sign. "Make ANY sandwich into an UN-wich!"
What? An Unwich? No bread and wrapped in lettuce? Glorious!

At just under 12g of Carbs, this
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Det. Thorn: It's people. He eats people. They're giving all of us the disease! Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for food. You've gotta tell them. You've gotta tell them!
Hatcher: I promise, Tiger. I promise. I'll tell the exchange.
Det. Thorn: You tell everybody. Listen to me, Hatcher. You've gotta tell them! Wilfred Brimley eats people! We've gotta stop him somehow!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Tacos! Tacos! Tacos!
Sadly, it isn't. I've not yet found the Grail of Tacos. I've come close in a couple of places. My favorite so far is a chain restaurant that makes food that doesn't taste like chain restaurant food.
El Taco Tote is the place that I can't get enough of at this point. The atmosphere is simple and the music isn't obnoxious. The food is what brings me there though.
Their website states:
"El Tacotote really began as a collection of family recipes. The Heras brothers’ mom made the tastiest tacos in Sinaloa, Mexico. Mrs. Heras insisted on premium meats and a blend of spices perfected over the years by the family members.
In 1988, after the family moved to Cd. Juarez, Mexico, the family noticed something missing in the local cuisine. It was the Heras touch. They created the El Taco Tote concept and opened their first restaurant that same year. After enjoying an overwhelming response, they opened three more locations in the next four years. In 1994, the Heras brothers decided to introduce this extraordinary concept to the U.S. with a new location in Laredo, Texas. This location also proved to be a huge success. During the next three years, they opened three Taco Tote restaurants in El Paso, Texas. Now the Heras brothers are bringing the wonderful flavor of “real mexican grill” to you, our most valued customer."
Another of their small adverts says, "We don't make the best tacos in the world, you do!"
They are absolutely right. Their fixins bar has a variety of salsas, cabbage, limes, cilantro, radishes, and more! Sadly, I don't have a Nutrition Guide for them and it would mainly depend on how you build your taco.
Some folks may not have El Taco Tote in their area and may have these three popular places to choose from:
Taco Bell:
Taco Bell, yes Taco Bell. To be fair, I've not had the 'Cantina Taco,' nor have I made time to try it. However, based on the nutrition information, I don't think it'd be a wise choice for me.
The taco is described as two freshly grilled, warm corn tortillas filled with slow-roasted carnitas shredded pork, freshly chopped onions and cilantro with a lime wedge on the side. Sounds tasty, but let's check under the hood.

With a budget of 60g of Carbs (max), that would only give me up to two tacos and a diet soda for a meal. Not the best ideas for someone who loves food like I do.
For convenience, Rubio's has it for me. There are at least three different locations near my home that I can choose from and the quality is pretty good.
Their 'Street Taco' is described as "Little Baja tacos filled with grilled pork carnitas, guacamole and cilantro-onion." They also have a salsa bar, but no pico de gallo. That's a drawback for me as I enjoy tomatoes.

With 11g of Carbs, these little tacos are quite becoming. Surprisingly they're filling too! I can walk away from the table and feel sated. The psychological hand-to-mouth fix is there as well as the delicious taste of the carnitas.
Now, this McDonald's spin-off is a win for me. There's just something about seeing your food being made and picking the stuff that's going to be on it. I don't know why that's comforting to me. Perhaps it reminds me of the cafeteria line in school, taking me back to a time when things were simplified.
Chipotle packs three pork carnitas tacos with fresh tomato mild salsa, grated jack and white cheddar cheeses and romaine lettuce into the basket. They are fresh and tasty. Before El Taco Tote, these were the ones that I considered a treat!

These tacos are larger than the ones at Rubios and just as satisfying! The hand-to-mouth urge and hankering for crunchiness are both sated. With some quick work from your plastic fork, you have an easy taco salad. Quite often, the folks behind the counter will give you extra lettuce if you ask.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Giving Thanks
The best thing about having diabetes is that you can start over when you fall down or become lax. It is also the worst thing. I had become comfortable in my routine and began to only test once per day (if I remembered). I wouldn’t suggest it. The work I’m putting in to get back on track is pulling me down paths that I thought I had already put behind me.
Paths are bi-linear. They always will have at least two ways you can walk them. It’s dangerous to think that you’ll never get lost on a familiar path or that the obstacles on that path are not just as intimidating as they were in the beginning. No matter your team, be they family, friends, pharmacist, physicians, fools, freaks, fairies, fencers, philanthropists, phrenologists, or any number of other folk, they will not truly know what you’re going through until they walk your path and see things as you see them.
For all of you Nay-Sayers, please understand that I’m not disrespecting your empathy. Just understand this: conception is not reality. For you non-diabetic folks I know that you can conceive of what the situation might like, but you will never know unless you are in the same situation. God love you for the support that you’re giving anyway! As a diabetic I do appreciate the work that you do and I know, yes know, that your diabetic does too.
So, for today, I am thankful for all of you in my situation to provide me guidance and camaraderie during my path to control this tiger that I have inside of me. I am thankful for my family, friends, pharmacist, physicians, fools, freaks, fairies, fencers, philanthropists, phrenologists, and the many number of other folk who have both endured and inspired me along the way.
Happy Thanksgiving.